Bruins - Roodehaan Farm

Welsh Harlequin

Happy ducks make a happy farmer.  My Welsh Harlequins exude happiness.  If I check on them at midnight, they gleefully greet me.  Briskly raising their heads in unison, they always have plenty to say.  As soon as the duck (female) was six months old, she started laying.  Welsh Harlequins are quite docile, making the collection of eggs an easy task.

The Extra Large sized white eggs have a hard shell that surrounds an incredible source of protein, minerals and vitamins.  Duck eggs are high in Riboflavin, folate, iron, Phosphorus, Vitamin B 12, and Selenium. A high level of fat makes the duck egg a favorite among bakers especially for the baker of gluten-free goodies.  Duck eggs add the flavor that is often missing in cakes and pastries baked without wheat flour. 

According to, Leslie Bonnet created this breed in 1949 when his Khaki Campbell duck breeding program resulted in a mutation.  The white ducks marked with feathers that seem to be painted with streaks of brown, fawn or black are striking with dark bills and feet.  Males resemble Mallards with gorgeous green heads and necks decorated with a ring of white.  Orange feet and legs support a slim white body etched with a tortoise shell pattern.  For a more detailed description of this breed check out the International Waterfowl Breeders Association website.

This relatively new breed of waterfowl is on the critical list of the Livestock Conservancy which attempts to “protect endangered livestock and poultry breeds from extinction”.    So be a part of preserving history and raise a light weigh dual purpose duck which promises to entertain you daily, just like any harlequin clad clown.